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One World with Zain Asher

Jury Selection Underway In The Trial Of Hunter Biden; Mexico Voters Elect A Woman President For The First Time; The African National Congress Loses Its Majority; Egyptians Basically Say Rafah Border Crossing Should Not Be Opened Unless Israelis Relinquish Control On The Gaza Side; Simone Biles Wins A Record Ninth All-Around National Title At The U.S. Gymnastics Championships. Aired 12-1p ET

Aired June 03, 2024 - 12:00   ET




ZAIN ASHER, CNN INTERNATIONAL HOST: All right. It's never happened until now. A sitting American President's son is on trial today.

BIANNA GOLODRYGA, CNN INTERNATIONAL HOST: "ONE WORLD" starts right now. Jury selection is underway in the trial of Hunter Biden. His ex-wife could

be one of the witnesses called to the stand during his trial.

ASHER: Also ahead, a historic first. Mexico's President-elect is a woman. We'll talk about who she is and the challenges she'll face ahead.

GOLODRYGA: And later, ninth time's the charm. Simone Biles stuns the world of gymnastics yet again. Hello, everyone. Live from New York, I'm Bianna


ASHER: And I'm Zain Asher. You are indeed watching "ONE WORLD". All right. Speeches, debates, T.V. commercials. These aren't normally -- normally, the

ways voters form their opinions of candidates in a presidential election. But this year in the U.S., courtrooms are certainly playing a much larger


GOLODRYGA: Yeah, we're all becoming legal experts of sorts here.

ASHER: On the fly.

GOLODRYGA: Today, it is the Joe Biden campaign that's facing up to unprecedented legal problems. Just a short time ago, jury selection began

in the federal trial of his son. Hunter Biden faces three felony charges for purchasing a gun in 2018 when he was allegedly suffering from drug and

alcohol addiction. It is the first time the child of a sitting President has been charged with a federal crime.

ASHER: Yeah, Joe Biden issued a statement to support his son, saying, I am the President, but I am also a dad. He also expressed pride in Hunter's on-

going recovery from addiction.

GOLODRYGA: For more on this, let's bring in CNN's Senior Crime and Justice Reporter Katelyn Polantz. Katelyn, already some news. One potential juror

has been dismissed. What more are we learning?

KATELYN POLANTZ, CNN SENIOR CRIME AND JUSTICE REPORTER (on-camera): Yeah, the jurors -- the potentially hundreds of jurors here in the federal

courthouse, as they're trying to narrow down that pool and seat a jury, they're being questioned about their politics. But they're also being

questioned about what they know about addiction.

And that is something that has already elicited some emotional moments from jurors going through juror selection this morning. Potential jurors who

have had some sort of experience with addiction, that is truly what's going to be central to this criminal case against Hunter Biden. Here's a little

more on the case.


POLANTZ (voice-over): The son of the sitting President on trial in another criminal case with big political implications.

HUNTER BIDEN, SON OF U.S. PRESIDENT JOE BIDEN: They ridiculed my struggle with addiction.

POLANTZ (voice-over): Hunter Biden's addiction and purchase of a gun in October 2018 is at the heart of this case. The Justice Department accusing

him of lying on gun purchasing forms that required him to attest he wasn't addicted to drugs. A special counsel brought the case last year after a

prior deal fell apart in dramatic fashion at his plea hearing.

A.G. GARLAND, U.S. ATTORNEY GENERAL: I'm here today to announce the appointment of David Weiss as a special counsel.

POLANTZ (voice-over): On Monday, jury selection begins. Potentially a challenging task in his hometown of Wilmington, Delaware. Federal

prosecutors plan to highlight a part of his memoir where he writes about struggling with drug addiction around the time he bought the gun.

H. BIDEN (voice-over): I had returned that fall of 2018 after my most recent relapse in California with the hope of getting clean through a new

therapy and reconciling with Hallie. Neither happened.

POLANTZ (voice-over): And they have evidence from the week of the gun purchase. Hunter Biden texting he was waiting for a dealer and sleeping on

a car, smoking crack. The trial also may feature testimony from the women in Hunter Biden's life -- his ex-wife, his brother's widow and a woman he

pays child support to.

Prosecutors say the women witnessed his drug addiction. While Joe Biden continues to seek re-election, the President has avoided commenting

directly on the prosecution of his son.

JOE BIDEN, U.S. PRESIDENT: I'm very proud of my son.

POLANTZ (voice-over): Yet the trial is likely to dredge up more Republican attacks on the Bidens, including about a laptop containing embarrassing

messages and images that prosecutors have obtained.

ELISE STEFANIK, U.S. HOUSE REPUBLICAN: The Biden crime family sold out America and the American people have had enough.

POLANTZ (voice-over): Republicans have been investigating Hunter Biden's business dealings as part of an impeachment probe of President Biden that's

come up short.

H. BIDEN: MAGA Republicans have impugned my character, invaded my privacy, attacked my wife, my children, my family and my friends.

POLANTZ (voice-over): After his trial on felony gun charges ends, Hunter Biden is set to face a second one in federal court in California on tax




POLANTZ (on-camera): So, Hunter Biden is facing the accusations on both coasts and he is fighting against them by going to trial as much as

politics can hover over this case, as well. It just is not going to be part of the courtroom in this Delaware trial once a jury is selected and seated.

Even though Jill Biden and the President are showing their support for Hunter Biden, the First Lady being in court today, as well as that

statement you mentioned earlier from Joe Biden.

GOLODRYGA: Joe Biden, the dad versus Joe Biden, obviously the President. CNN Senior Crime and Justice Reporter Katelyn Polantz, thank you. Well,

former U.S. President and now convicted felon, Donald Trump, says that he'd be okay with serving prison time.

ASHER: Yeah, it's just been a few days since a jury found him guilty of 34 felonies in his hush money criminal trial. But as he awaits sentencing on

July 11th, the Republican candidate for President said a harsh punishment could push his supporters to breaking point.

(BEGIN VIDEO CLIP) PETE HEGSETH, "FOX AND FRIENDS WEEKEND" CO-HOST: The judge could decide to say a house arrest or even jail. It could face what that could.

DONALD TRUMP, REPUBLICAN PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: I'm okay with it. I saw one of my lawyers the other day on television saying, oh, no, you don't

want to do that to the President. I said, don't, you know, beg for anything. You just -- the way it is. I don't know that the public would

stand it. You know, I don't -- I'm not sure the public would stand for it with a --

UNKNOWN: -- a house arrest or --

TRUMP: I think -- I think, it would be tough for the public to take. You know, at a certain point, there's a breaking point.


GOLODRYGA: And while Trump may say that he is okay with going to jail, his Republican allies are loudly proclaiming their outrage at his conviction.

ASHER: Yeah, this weekend, the airwaves were full of prominent Republicans denouncing the verdict, warning about the consequences of a harsh sentence

and refusing to offer even the tiniest sliver of criticism against Trump.


MIKE JOHNSON (R-LOUISIANA) SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE: We are the rule of law party. Chaos is not a conservative value and we have to fight back and we


TIM SCOTT (R) SOUTH CAROLINA SENATOR: What we've seen is "Never Trumpers" calling me and saying, Tim, I'm on the bandwagon now. I've seen this two

tiered justice system working against the President of the United States. It could work against me, too.

LARA TRUMP, CO-CHAIR, REPUBLICAN NATIONAL COMMITTEE: Anybody who's not speaking up in the face of really something that should never again have

seen the light of day, a trial that would never have been brought against any other person aside from Donald Trump, doesn't deserve the respect of



ASHER: All right. We wanted to find out how much of what Republicans are saying is real about the Trump trial and how much of it is spin. Joining me

live now, we had him last week hoping --

GOLODRYGA: He's back.

ASHER: He's back. Helping us decipher this is Daniel Dale. So, Daniel, let me just start off with this. Trump made a very, I would say, curious claim

on a Fox News interview that aired on Sunday saying that he actually never, never called to lock Hillary Clinton up during the 2016 election cycle.

Let's play that.


D. TRUMP: Hillary Clinton -- I didn't say lock her up, but the people don't say lock her up.


ASHER: See, I don't have the best memory.

GOLODRYGA: This is pretty good, though. You've still got it, Zain.

ASHER: That is obviously not accurate. Daniel, walk us through that.

DANIEL DALE, CNN REPORTER: It is obviously not accurate. I think it's only slightly less ridiculous than if he had claimed that he had never called to

make America great again. Now, it is true that there were some campaign rallies during that 2016 election where Trump's crowds would chant lock her

up and he would merely stand silent.

Now, he made no secret of his views on the chance by standing silent, letting them continue, but didn't say anything. However, there were other

events, multiple other events, where he called to imprison Hillary Clinton, including by explicitly, directly using those three words, lock her up.

Listen to some examples.

(BEGIN VIDEO CLIP) D. TRUMP: For what she's done, they should lock her up. She's --.Hillary Clinton has to go to jail, okay? She has to go to jail. You should lock

them up. Lock up the Bidens. Lock up Hillary.


DALE: So, that's from 2016 and from 2020. He also famously, during a 2016 presidential debate watched by tens of millions of people, said that

Hillary Clinton should be in jail. So, a completely fictional claim, indeed, a lie.

GOLODRYGA: Yeah. He also went on to say that given that she was investigated by the DOJ at one point, that she couldn't serve, as well.

Obviously, now the tune has changed a bit now that he's -- he's a convicted felon. He's saying that that's not the case.

ASHER: Funny how they have --

GOLODRYGA: Exactly. Also, Daniel, while we still have you in the wake of that guilty verdict, both Trump and we know prominent Republican lawmakers

have continued to claim that it is President Biden who brought and orchestrated this case. This is once again a state case. And we should note

the segment that just preceded you here.


It was one about his son and his own son now being, you know, charged, and a case beginning. It's been brought by the DOJ, as well. Break that down

for us.

DALE: That's right. So, something interesting happened this weekend. Now, I have repeatedly fact checked this claim from President Trump and others

that, you know, President Biden is behind this case. I and others have repeatedly noted that this is a case brought by a locally elected

prosecutor who does not report to the President, does not report to the federal government over whom the President has no jurisdiction and that

there is no evidence of any communication between the President and this local prosecutor over the case.

And then this weekend, we got another kind of fact check. This one came from someone who served as former President Trump's own lawyer on this case

until he left the legal team early this year. So, listen to what this this former Trump lawyer, Joe Tacopina, had to say on Saturday.


JOE TACOPINA, FORMER ATTORNEY FOR DONALD TRUMP: -- or Biden, or anyone from his Justice Department have absolutely zero to do with the Manhattan

District Attorney's Office. They have no jurisdiction over him. They have no context with them. They have no control, certainly, over him. So, to say

that Joe Biden brought this case is one of the most ridiculous things I've heard.


DALE: So, I always appreciate what other people do, the fact checking for me, and that was a pretty good one for Mr. Tacopina.

GOLODRYGA: Yeah. Got Daniel Dale for whatever reason. I don't know why. If you don't ever want to believe someone like Daniel Dale who does all of

this homework, you've got Joe Tacopina to back you up on this one. Daniel, thank you so much.

ASHER: Thank you, Daniel.

DALE: Thank you.

ASHER: All right. As the old saying goes, "If you can't beat them, join them." And now, Donald Trump has joined TikTok. Take a look.


UNKNOWN: The President is now on TikTok.

D. TRUMP: It's my honor.

D. TRUMP: That was a good walk on, right?


GOLODRYGA: Well, the former President's first video was from his appearance at an ultimate fighting championship event for years. Trump has been a

vocal critic of TikTok attacking it over its Chinese ownership. But the fast growing social media app is a great way to connect with younger


ASHER: All right. Still to come from the U.S. presidential race to a history making election in Mexico. Claudia Sheinbaum has smashed her

country's political glass ceiling. Her maternal grandparents, by the way, escaped the Holocaust. Now, she is set for the presidency. How inspiring.

GOLODRYGA: And it's the dawn of a new era in South African politics. Coming up, we'll look at what the political landscape may look like after the

African National Congress fails to win a majority.



ASHER: All right, all eyes on the White House this week as U.S. President Joe is expected to address what has become a major Republican campaign

issue. The President is preparing a long-anticipated executive order addressing immigration and border security.

GOLODRYGA: Yeah, the border is expected to dramatically -- the order is expected to dramatically limit migrants' ability to seek asylum at the U.S.

southern border in a move reminiscent of a controversial measure back from the Trump era. Sources say it could happen as early as Tuesday.

ASHER: CNN's Arlette Saenz joins us live now from the White House. So, Arlette, just walk us through what more do we know at this point about the

executive order set to be signed by the President tomorrow. It is supposed to limit the ability of migrants at the southern border to seek asylum.

Take us through that.

ARLETTE SAENZ, CNN WHITE HOUSE CORRESPONDENT: Yeah, President Biden is preparing to announce a sweeping executive action relating to the border,

which sources say could come as soon as tomorrow. This plan would essentially shut down the border for those who are crossing unlawfully as

they are trying to seek asylum once a certain threshold is met for those unlawful crossings each day.

Now, it comes as the President is really trying to tackle this politically vexing issue head-on at a time when Americans have increasingly shown

greater concern about border security. Former President Donald Trump has really tried to make his own hard-line immigration policies a key feature

of the 2024 contest. And the White House has increasingly been trying to take this more aggressive approach to try to show that the President is

handling and tackling this issue of the border.

Now, sources who have been briefed on the potential executive action say that these details could potentially change as the final moments and tweaks

are being put on the plan. But what they have been briefed on is essentially that they would restrict the ability for those who are seeking

asylum at the U.S. southern border who are also crossing unlawfully, they would restrict the ability of them to be able to actually seek that asylum

once a daily threshold is met.

That would mean that they would limit this once border crossings have reached about 2500 people on a daily basis, essentially meaning that this

would go into effect pretty quickly as the current apprehensions have been just under 4000 people.

Now, undocumented or unaccompanied minors would be exempted from this proposal, a move that would likely spark some backlash from immigration

advocates and progressive groups, a concern that people could begin to send their children by themselves to the U.S. southern border.

Now, what this executive action would do, it would allow authorities to send people back to Mexico or their origin country if they have been

crossing the border unlawfully, if those thresholds have been met. And importantly, this is also similar to a policy that former President Donald

Trump tried to use when he was in office but was struck down by the courts and really met a lot of pushback from Democrats.

So, it's likely that the President's proposal, once announced, could also face similar pushback from progressive Democrats, from immigration

advocates, as well as the potential that there could be legal challenges to this down the road.

Now, the White House has yet to confirm that the President will roll out this executive action this week. A White House spokesperson simply saying,

quote, as we have said before, the administration continues to explore a series of policy options, and we remain committed to taking action to

address our broken immigration system.

Now, this all comes as the President's trying to address this issue heading into November's election, and importantly, with that first debate against

Donald Trump just a mere three weeks away on June 27th. Now, it comes also as the administration really has become more aggressive in trying to show

that the president's doing something to tackle issues at the U.S. southern border.

It comes on the heels of just a few months ago, those bipartisan border talks failing up on Capitol Hill as Republicans shot down that plan at the

urging of former President Donald Trump. So, what the White House is trying to do is trying to get ahead of this issue, trying to show that the

president is doing much more on the border issues at a time when Republicans have really tried to put this front and center in the 2024


ASHER: All right, Arlette Saenz, live for us there. Thank you so much.


ASHER (voice-over): All right, scenes of utter jubilation, singing, waving flags. Thousands of people turned out to celebrate a ground-breaking moment

in Mexico. For the first time, voters there elected a woman President.


GOLODRYGA: Yeah, Claudia Sheinbaum of the ruling Morena party has gone from climate scientist to the leader of the world's largest Spanish-speaking

nation. Preliminary results from Mexico's electoral institution shows that she's the winner of Sunday's presidential election.

ASHER: And she's been telling people who didn't vote for her that her government will represent them, too.


CLAUDIA SHEINBAUM, MEXICAN PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION WINNER (through translator): Our duty is and always will be to look after each Mexican

without distinctions. Although many Mexican women and Mexican men don't agree fully with our project, we will walk in peace and harmony to build a

fairer and more prosperous Mexico.


GOLODRYGA: Guadalupe Correa Cabrera is a professor at the Schar School of Policy and Government at George Mason University, and she joins us now from

Mexico City. Quite a historic moment there, Guadalupe. Welcome to the program, by the way. We should note that Claudia Sheinbaum is a protege of

a wildly popular president, AMLO, Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador --


GOLODRYGA: Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador, otherwise known as AMLO who just finished a six-year term in Mexico. You're only allowed one term. The

Morena Party, I think, secured over 60 percent of the vote here. He and the party were extremely popular. Explain to us a bit more about Sheinbaum, who

she is as a candidate. She has a political background as well, having been mayor of Mexico City. But the footsteps that she's now following.

GUADALUPE CORREA-CABRERA, PROFESSOR, GEORGE MASON UNIVERSITY: Absolutely. This is the second. She's going to be the builder of the second floor of

the Ford Transformation. She was chief of government of Mexico City, a climate scientist, a very disciplined woman that had very good results when

she was governing Mexico City. She represents the continuation of the government of the Ford Transformation.


CORREA-CABRERA: She's the first woman President in the country. This is a huge -- a huge victory for women in the country, a big inspiration for all

other women, and the continuation of a very popular project. A very popular president that left, you know, his inheritance to Claudia Sheinbaum. Now,

Claudia, during the pandemic, managed really well the city and, you know, has been able to convince the majority of the people.

But it's not only, these elections are huge, not only because we've had the first female president because of Claudia Sheinbaum and Andres Manuel Lopez

Obrador, but because of the configuration, the new configuration of Mexican Congress that will allow Morena and its allies to change the constitution,

to, you know, achieve the reform of the judiciary, and also to consolidate militarization at the institutional level. This is huge.

This is a regime change that will change the face of the party system in Mexico, as well. Because the opposition coalition is a big loser of the

election, and Morena is, you know, now the hegemonic party of the country.

ASHER: One of the other reasons why this election is making headlines is also, firstly, the turnout. The turnout was huge, but also the fact that it

was one of the bloodiest elections in Mexico's history. You had 37 candidates running for political office who were assassinated, which really

just tells you a little bit about the situation when it comes to violent crime in Mexico.

As you know, the murder rate, the murder rate in Mexico is sky high. Just walk us through what is the first thing on her agenda in terms of dealing

with the crime situation and public safety in the country.

CORREA-CABRERA: This is the biggest challenge for Mexico. The security problem in Mexico is big, and this is, you know, the biggest challenge for

Claudia Sheinbaum on the second floor of the Fourth Transformation.

Claudia was very successful, or was relatively successful, dealing with this issue in Mexico City. She had a police. I mean, she was capable of

good coordination, and that's what she wants to do, to coordinate investigations and the institution. She wants to do what she did in Mexico

City, but it's not possible.

The Mexican territory and the criminal world in Mexico is extremely complex. There is presence of criminal paramilitary groups, transnational

criminal organizations, and Mexico does not have a police function. We have a National Guard, and the military basically has a monopoly of public

safety at the federal level.


And with the National Guard and with this scheme, the Marina Party was not successful dealing with the issue. So, the challenges for Claudia Sheinbaum

are enormous. She has, you know, she has experience, and she was successful, but in a very particular territory of Mexico, which is Mexico


So, at the same time, she can now coordinate better because most of the governorships are led by Morena, and she will be able to put together a

strategy with the collaboration of the different forces of the Mexican government at the different levels of government.

GOLODRYGA: Yeah, and despite AMLO's popularity, he was quite polarizing and controversial, especially in terms of democratic backsliding and concern

there. Some of his policies, disregards of checks and balances, weakening of institutions like the electoral body, for example. And you mentioned the

overwhelming turnout here.

It does appear that the Morena Party has both control -- two-thirds control of the supermajority in the Lower and Upper House, which gives them the

ability to change the constitution, amend the constitution, as you note, and also bring forward a Supreme Court justice. What can we expect, and

what are some of the concerns on that specific front?

CORREA-CABRERA: Yes, the two main issues for the country today are security and the concentration of power. The system of checks and balances now is

part of the past.

No checks and balances, and the possibility of Morena and its allies to pass the so-called Plan C, which is to, I mean, an election of the judges,

of the justices by the popular vote, which will be Morena, the capacity of also having influence of the judiciary. That was the only instrument that

the opposition had, I mean, to act as a check to the power of Morena.

So, basically, now the concentration of power is there. There is a threat to some extent to democracy, because this is what the people wanted. So

there is this, I mean, there is this issue that the people wanted, this concentration of power, but it's important to understand that the people of

Mexico can also, I mean, check in the midterm election. But at this point, the concentration of power is huge.

The polarization of the country remains. But Claudia, at the same time, started with a statement of unity. So, there is hope, as well. She's less

radical than Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador. She is very consistent, very disciplined, and at the same time, more pragmatical. And there is a chance

that, you know, the incorporation into this project of different voices, of different political forces, political parties, will lead us to something


I really like what she said about unity and incorporating other voices that are not very familiar or that does not fully support, do not fully support

the project of the Ford, the government of the Ford transformation.

GOLODRYGA: Yeah, it will be interesting now to see what role she will play. Will she finally come out of AMLO's shadows, or will he continue to play a

dominant role, especially in the popular Morena Party? Guadalupe Correa- Cabrera of George Mason University, thank you so much.

ASHER: Thank you. All right, 30 years after Nelson Mandela led the ANC, the African National Congress, to victory at the end of South Africa's

apartheid years, the party has now officially lost its majority.

GOLODRYGA: Yeah, the ANC remains the biggest party after last week's election, but now it will need to form a coalition. David McKenzie has the

details on a seismic shift in South African politics.



CYRIL RAMAPHOSA, SOUTH AFRICAN PRESIDENT: Our people have spoken. Whether we like it or not, they have spoken.

MCKENZIE (voice-over): Sometimes, it comes fast. In just one election cycle, the ANC, the party of Nelson Mandela, with a staggering drop in

support. After three decades of dominance, the voters have spoken. The party that has defined South African politics losing its outright majority.

T.K. POOE, WITS SCHOOL OF GOVERNANCE: I think it means that society has passed the ANC by. We've always been waiting for the moment. We just didn't

know the appropriate vehicle.

MCKENZIE (voice-over): Many South Africans were fed up with rampant corruption, huge unemployment and deep inequality. But the ANC collapse

came in large part -- thanks to this man, disgraced former ANC president Jacob Zuma. In just a few months, his new uMkhonto we Sizwe party, or M.K.,

bled votes from the ANC, tapping into Zuma's loyal support in KwaZulu-Natal province.


Zuma and his party have, without evidence, claimed there were irregularities at the polls, threatening trouble if results were announced.

MELANIE VERWOERD, POLITICAL ANALYST, FORMER ANC M.P.: Jacob Zuma is different. It is always dangerous to let ethnic and tribal tensions rise

too much. I don't foresee it being an issue in the foreseeable future, but it is something that one always needs to watch.

What to watch for next? Coalition politics. The ANC likely must choose to combine with pro-business Democratic Alliance or the leftist radical

Economic Freedom Fighters. Perhaps even adding Zuma's M.K. No one knows for sure.

FIKILE MBALULA, SECREARY-GENERAL, AFRICAN NATIONAL CONGRESS: We call on all South Africans to resist the efforts of those forces who want to weaken our

democracy, who want to undermine our electoral processes, and who want to disregard the will of the people.

JOHN STEENHULSEN, LEADER, DEMOCRATIC ALLIANCE: Coalitions can work. They work all over the world. It requires maturity, and yes, there are going to

be choppy waters ahead for South Africa, but we'll navigate them.

MCKENZIE: Do you want to be part of a governing coalition?

STEENHULSEN: Of course. I mean, your whole point of being in politics is to get into government.

MCKENZIE: The results are deeply embarrassing for President Cyril Ramaphosa. He staked his reputation on reviving the ANC.

MCKENZIE: Is Cyril Ramaphosa under pressure now?

POOE: Oh no, he's beyond under pressure. I think he might need to start looking for a new job. He always styles himself as the next incumbent to

President Nelson Mandela. From my last recollection, President Nelson Mandela never lost an election.

MCKENZIE (voice-over): But Ramaphosa is well-known as a skilled negotiator, a skill that will now become very handy indeed.


MCKENZIE (on-camera): On Tuesday, the ANC is holding meetings with its senior leadership. It's bound to be a robust conversation. It's unclear

which direction the ANC will go and other parties will go in any coalition talks. This is, as the saying goes, uncharted territory for South Africa.

Zain, Bianna?

GOLODRYGA: Well, as we described, a seismic shift now we'll have to see what this new coalition will look like.

ASHER: The first time we're seeing this sort of change in South Africa in 30 years since 1994. Obviously, corruption, the crime rate, power outages,

a lot to blame. Right. All right, still to come, mixed messages. The Israeli Prime Minister says claims by the U.S. that Israel has agreed to a

ceasefire proposal are simply not true. So, where do negotiations stand right now?



GOLODRYGA: The Israeli Prime Minister appears to be contradicting statements President Biden made about a new ceasefire proposal. Benjamin

Netanyahu now claims that Israel never agreed to the terms detailed by U.S. President Joe Biden on Friday, or at least not all of them. The President

presented what he called an Israeli plan that included a six-week pause in hostilities in Gaza and the release of hostages in phases.

ASHER: Over the weekend, two far-right Israeli ministers threatened to topple the government if the deal was accepted, and the Prime Minister

himself made clear that Israel's war objectives had not changed, including the destruction of Hamas, something a White House spokesperson appeared to




another attack like October 7th. Now, we're also not saying that Hamas has been wiped off the face of the map.

We've not said that Hamas has no military capabilities. We've not said that they don't still represent a viable threat to the Israeli people. Of course

they do, but they don't have the military capabilities to do what they did on the 7th of October.


GOLODRYGA: Some shocking numbers coming from the United Nations that suggest the growing humanitarian crisis in Gaza could get even worse. The

U.N. says there are about 1.7 million internally displaced people there, or about 75 percent of the population, and it warns in the next few months

that 1.1 million people are projected to face catastrophic levels of food insecurity.

ASHER: The U.N. also says the amount of humanitarian aid entering Gaza has dropped since Israel launched its military offensive in Rafah about a month

ago. Most of the aid that is now making it in is coming from the north through the West Erez crossing or through the Kerem Shalom crossing in the

south since the Rafah crossing was closed.

GOLODRYGA: But that aid is only about a third of what it's recently been. The U.N. says the daily average of humanitarian truckloads going into Gaza

in April was 169. That's dropped to just 60 truckloads a day through most of May.

ASHER: Time now for The Exchange and our conversation with David Sanger. He's a CNN political and national security analyst. He joins us live now

from Washington. David, thank you so much for being with us. Over the past few days, there's been negotiations and some debate about re-opening the

Rafah crossing.

We know that the Egyptians are basically saying, listen, we are not going to re-open the Rafah border crossing unless the Israelis relinquish their

control on the Gaza side. Just explain to our audience how crucial the Rafah crossing really is, especially when it comes to getting in aid, for

example. How crucial is this crossing?

DAVID SANGER, CNN CONTRIBUTOR: Well, all we need to do is just back up to the numbers that you just provided. A month ago in April, a little more

than a month ago, we were seeing 169 trucks a day. It's dropped to 60. The U.S. has said that the goal is to have 600 a day. And that was supposed to

be moving straight up from the 169. That's why you saw the gates being opened. That's why you saw the effort to build the pier that is now at

least temporarily closed because they had trouble keeping it together with high winds.

So, these were all supposed to be the ways you would get aid in. It hasn't happened. And I think that that helps explain why you saw the President try

to force Prime Minister Netanyahu's hand the other day when he announced an Israeli plan. The usual thing would be for the United States to wait and

let the Israelis announce an Israeli plan and then embrace it.


I think in this case, they were clearly concerned the Prime Minister simply would not do that.

GOLODRYGA: Well, concerns among some of the more extreme far-right elements of his coalition, the fact that President Biden made this announcement on

the Sabbath, where at least a few of these members of the extreme coalition may not have been watching television or using their devices, thus catching

them off guard.

David, with regards to the crossing, the Philadelphia crossing there, there had been a lot of concern about the growing tensions between Egypt and

Israel, and Egypt withholding aid, trucks going in there, too, sort of seen as leverage for Israel to relinquish control of that border. Israel saying

that they had to be there because they said they discovered a number of tunnels that were used to smuggle weapons in. How much concern is there


I know President Biden spoke with President Sisi a couple of weeks back to lower the tensions here and to see more aid quietly cross through. Neither

party, Israel or Egypt, wants to see their alignment and their security agreement frayed. Where are we, though, in terms of that relationship and

continued tension between both sides?

SANGER: So, it's pretty much at a low. Of course, Egypt was, you know, the first country to recognize Israel and was sort of at the forefront of what

we thought was an era of changed relations between Israel and the Arab states.

Right now, this set of events has really plunged that relationship into a pretty serious crisis. I think it's tamped down a little bit from a month

ago when I think there was concern about skirmishes that were opening up around these gates and the crossings.

But the fact of the matter is that we are at a period where Israel really isn't able to have a full conversation with many of its neighbors there on

this topic. And I think that, again, goes to the question of why you saw the President make his announcement on Friday. He needs to put pressure on

both Hamas and Israel to take this deal on the table.

Israel -- of course, the Israelis, over the weekend, tried to, you know, back away a little bit, said, well, he didn't describe it correctly. They

admitted that the war cabinet, which is made up of more moderate groups than the full cabinet, had approved it. But, of course, you're now seeing

the prime minister desperately trying to hold his coalition together. And this could be the thing that busts it apart.

ASHER: In the meantime, though, that Rafah crossing really is a lifeline for 2.3 million Palestinians.

SANGER: It is.

ASHER: As Bianna was just pointing out, Israel and Egypt have had a very good relationship since 1979. But, obviously, that is under pressure right

now, given what's happening with the Rafah crossing. We just lost David Sanger. But, David, thank you if you can still hear me.

GOLODRYGA: All right. Well, the rains have stopped.

SANGER: Thank you.

ASHER: Oh, there he is.

GOLODRYGA: We can hear you. We just can't see you. Thanks for joining us, David. Sounds like the voice of God, right? Just hovering over us. Well,

the rains have stopped, but the water hasn't gone down. Flooding like this was not supposed to happen in one of Kenya's most affluent neighborhoods.

Coming up, why residents are blaming their own government.


JONATHAN DASS, DISPLACED RUNDA HOMOWNER: I don't know what to say, Larry. It's not -- it's not well planned. If it was well planned, we wouldn't be

sitting here in a boat.



ASHER: All right. Firefighters in California are getting the upper hand on a grass fire that began on Saturday. The Coral Fire, south of Sacramento,

is now about 75 percent contained, but it has already scorched 14,000 acres. That's 5600 hectares and there's no word yet on what exactly started

the blaze.

GOLODRYGA: Yeah, on Saturday, the fire forced residents to evacuate, but the order was downgraded on Sunday. The situation, however, could change

this week with gusty winds and hotter temperatures are expected to return, and, of course, that could only fuel the flames.

ASHER: All right, it's been about a month since heavy rains pummeled the Nairobi, Kenya area. That would usually mean the waters have begun to

recede, but they have not.

GOLODRYGA: And now, many Kenyans in Nairobi need a boat, literally, to get around. Larry Madowo takes us there.


LARRY MADOWO, CNN CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): This is not a river. This is a family's courtyard in Runda, one of Nairobi's wealthiest suburbs. More

than a month after record rains and floods hit Kenya, their home is still submerged. Jonathan Dass says they haven't even started quantifying how

much his family has lost. Nothing is left untouched after two meters of floodwaters moved in.

MADOWO: These are rally cars.

DASS: A lot of people are moving into the city. We've got people coming from abroad who want to live in these, you know, luxurious, leafy areas.

And there's a lot of demand for that. At the same time, we're not moving fast enough to be able to plan properly and understand what needs to be

done to accommodate all these people coming in.

MADOWO: Runda has a reputation for being very well planned because it's a diplomatic quarter. The U.N. is here. The U.S. Embassy is here.

DASS: I don't know what to say, Larry. It's not -- it's not well planned. If it was well planned, we wouldn't be sitting here in a boat.

MADOWO (voice-over): All this water in Runda has nowhere to go because the drainage of this water pan is blocked. Residents blame it on corruption and


DANIELA BLATTLER, DISPLACED RUNDA RESIDENT: There is someone who is backfilling slowly but surely so the dam is becoming smaller and smaller

and there is not an outlet to send the water that arrives to somewhere else.

MADOWO (voice-over): Sean Blaschke can only navigate his backyard with a paddleboard, a far cry from the playground and garden it was before the


MADOWO: Is there fish here?

SEAN BLASCHKE, HOME SUBMERGED IN RUNDA: There is actually quite a bit. This is practically a fish farm at the moment.

MADOWO: Did you always have catfish before?

BLASCHKE: Nope, nope. This is a fairly new perk of living on Lake Runda.

MADOWO (voice-over): Some of the Runda residents whose homes remain underwater have lived here for decades without drainage issues until now.

MADOWO: Do you believe this is a man-made disaster?

DAVID DASS, RUNDA HOMEOWNER: It's -- we've had a lot of rain, but the magnitude of the disaster created by greedy grabbing.

MADOWO (voice-over): Across town from Runda, in Nairobi's old Islam Madari, bulldozers have brought down everything standing within 30 meters of a

river. Many had just 24 hours notice.

MADOWO: This used to be somebody's house. In fact, I stood on top of this exact same house in late April after some of the worst flooding Kenya has

seen claimed some lives in this informal settlement. The government then ordered them out, forcefully evicted thousands of families from this area

and demolished their homes. Nairobi's poorest have suffered the most from the flooding and the evictions that have left so many homeless.

RACHAEL MWIKALI, MATHARE COMMUNITY ORGANIZER: What we have seen is that the rich are enjoying their rights, but us, the poor, we are fighting to enjoy

the right that is supposed to be our right, which is not fair.

MADOWO (voice-over): The Kenyan government maintains that the mandatory evacuations were for the sake of public safety after flooding killed more

than 300 people. Larry Madowo, CNN, Nairobi.




ASHER: All right, a highly anticipated bout between Mike Tyson and Jake Paul has been delayed after Tyson actually reported a medical issue.

GOLODRYGA: Yeah, the 57-year-old former world heavyweight champion says that he suffered an ulcer flare-up and has had to ease off his training.

Tyson was due to get in the ring with YouTube star Jake Paul on July 20 in Arlington, Texas, with Netflix planning to stream the fight. Tyson's

publicist says that a new date will be announced Friday.

Well, Simone Biles has won a record ninth all-around national title at the U.S. Gymnastics Championships. What can't this woman do? She dominated the

competition, turning in top cumulative scores in four key events.

ASHER: Yeah, the four-time Olympic gold medalist now has her sights set on a spot in the U.S. Olympic team competing in Paris next month, all this

coming after she took a two-year break from the sport to focus on her mental health.

Coy Weir joins us live now. I mean, this really is not just remarkable, but it's really meaningful. I mean, we all watched back in 2021 in Tokyo. We

saw all of the sort of awkward lands. She stopped competing. I remember in an interview she's saying that she really wished that she could just get on

a plane right there and then and just go home. She was so ashamed. And now, to see this dramatic comeback. I mean, this girl is gangster.


ASHER: Take us to her, Coy.

WEIR: A true G, no doubt about it.

ASHER: Wow. Yes.

WEIR: Yeah, I was there reporting in Tokyo, and I saw her go through that mental torment of the twisties, withdrawing from several competitions, but

then eventually getting back out there and gutting out a bronze on the beam.

And to see what she's doing now, four years later, the greatest gymnast of all time. She is back, dominating that competition at the U.S. Gymnastics

Championships, winning that record-extending ninth all-around title.

The four-time Olympic gold medalist, turning in the top cumulative scores in beam, floor, vault, and uneven bars. I mean, look at this. It's

incredible. She finished almost six points ahead of silver medalist Sky Blakely. She's 27 years old now, and she has returned to competitive

gymnastics just last year after she experienced those twisties at the Tokyo Games in 2021. She seems right now, though, to be back on track to make

more history in Paris.


SIMONE BILES, MOST DECORATED GYMNAST IN HISTORY: Today, it's just getting out here, getting comfortable and confident in my gymnastics, and hopefully

going to Olympic trials and making that next step towards Paris. So, I couldn't be more proud of how I'm doing this time in the year and just

gaining that confidence over and over, getting myself back in front of a crowd, and just doing what I do in practice.


WEIR: Now, as you mentioned, the U.S. Women's Olympics gymnastics team, that will be chosen later this month at the trials in Minneapolis.


Biles is looking to become the first American woman since Dominique Dawes back in 2000 to make three Olympic teams in her career.

ASHER: Listen, when Simone Biles is competing, everything around me freezes. I mean, everything just freezes. She is that. I'm like, bring

popcorn, you know. Just in terms of Paris, you're going to be in Paris. What are you watching for? This is -- this is key for Simone because this

would be her third Olympics, right? That's not easy.

WEIR: That's not easy. And I'll remember to wear my chin strap, my padding, because my jaw drops every time I watch her perform in person. But I will

be at those games. She can become the most decorated American Olympic gymnast of all time with one medal of any color in Paris to surpass Shannon

Miller. So, I completely expect her to do that.

But I also expect her to use that platform to continue being a champion for all those who may be dealing with mental issues of any kind, that mental

stress and strain that you can get, whether you're a top performer in an athletic field or in business or just some young kid who's watching her get

out there, being brave, taking on her fears and completely dominating them and the competition.

GOLODRYGA: Such an inspiration. Listen, I think I deserve a gold medal for putting on a microphone when I'm wearing a dress. But then to watch what

this woman has done --

ASHER: -- is incredible.

GOLODRYGA: I cannot wait to see what she's going to do in Paris. Amazing. Thank you.

ASHER: Coy Weir, live for us there, thank you.

WEIR: You got it.

GOLODRYGA: Well, that does it for this hour of "ONE WORLD". Thanks so much for watching. I'm Bianna Golodryga.

ASHER: I'm Zain Asher. "AMANPOUR" -- up next. You're watching CNN.